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The Batavia Woman's Club Wants to Help You Send Your Middle Schooler to Summer Camp

Let's give our local kids a STEAM experience this suumer. 

Batavia, IL — Do you have a middle schooler interested in summer camp STEAM experiences—Science, Technology, Engineering, Music or Performing Arts, or Math? Let the Batavia Woman’s Club help with a scholarship. Apply between March 1st and April 18, 2025.

Once again, the Batavia Woman’s Club is helping educate our local middle schoolers by providing summer camp scholarships. If your student or child is interested in attending educational enrichment summer programs and camps that offer experiences in music, science, coding, robotics, space, performance art, and more, we want to hear from you!

The deadline for submission is April 18, 2025, and applications are now being accepted. Requirements for consideration include a teacher’s recommendation letter along with a completed application that can be accessed here, or via this Google Drive link. Don’t wait! Apply now! 

For more than 55 years, the Batavia Woman’s Club has raised funds through various activities such as multiple flower sales and more to offer STEAM camp scholarships, which enrich the lives of qualifying students. As a special treat for the BWC, each year, at our October meeting, we celebrate with the students who have been past recipients of the program as they share their specific camp experience through testimonials and performance.

The Batavia Woman’s Club is open to all persons interested in making a difference in other people’s lives along with the fellowship and friendship of others. For more information, see our website at or contact us at

The Batavia Woman’s Club is a 501(c)(3) organization that, since 1892, has been promoting the philanthropic interests of our community.