Santa Brunch at Prairie Landing Golf Club
Gold Level

Date and Time
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM CST
Sunday, December 17th from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Prairie Landing Golf Club
2325 Longest Drive, West Chicago, IL 60185
Adults: $38 | Children (4-12): $22 | Children (under 4): Free
Contact Information
Reservations from 10AM – 1PM are required before December 13th by calling 630.208.7641.
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Join us at Prairie Landing Golf Club on Sunday, December 17th for an exquisite Brunch featuring an array of breakfast and lunch favorites and a visit from Santa Claus!
Reservations from 10AM – 1PM are required before December 13th by calling 630.208.7641.
SANTA arrives at 10:30 AM!
Adults: $38 | Children (4-12): $22 | Children (under 4): Free
Credit card is required for reservation & payment will be processed on 12/14. All changes or cancellations are required before this date.