Batavia City-Wide Garage Sale
Gold Level
Date and Time
Friday May 3, 2024
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
Garage Sale Dates Are:
Friday, May 3 & Saturday, May 4
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
$35 to register your garage sale
Contact Information
LInda schielke
Send Email
The 30th Annual City-Wide Garage Sale is May 3rd and May 4th, 2024! Make plans now to host a sale - or shop!

The City-Wide Garage Sale is celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2024.
Residents of Batavia come together to Spring clean and sell their stuff on the first weekend in May. This fundraiser is one of the biggest events that the volunteers of the Batavia Fireworks Committee host each year to help raise the funds to put on Batavia’s 4th of July Sky Concert in Engstrom Park. In honor of this tradition and its 25+ years of success, we are hoping for a record garage sale year.
Registration for the sale is $35 and must be completed by April 24 for your sale to be included on the printed map. All registered participants will be entered into a drawing for an outdoor grill and tools which will be held on May 4. Packet pickup for participants is Wednesday, May 1 at City Hall (directions, balloons, mailbox signs, etc.). For more information, contact Applications can be found at, or in Batavia citizens' March utility bills. Forms are also available at the City Hall reception desk, 100 North Island Avenue Monday-Friday during business hours.